I like your rage stitching. Do you know the Profanity Embroidery Group? They're very sweary, but rather fun. You can find them on Facebook.

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Mar 29Liked by Carina

Also -- I've really appreciated seeing your RageStitching series!

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Mar 29Liked by Carina

I keep meaning to go through my blog and move stuff off Flickr. I don't have anywhere near that amount of content, and I'm still finding the prospect intimidating! I haven't actively blogged in a while, but I've been wanting to start again because I miss the process of reflecting on my making that writing gave me. I kind of need to figure out a new domain name, though, because my current one has my deadname in it, so there's that gumming up the works also. (The name change thing is massively awkward. I've been actively avoiding posting on Instagram because I need to update my name there and make a post that yes, it's still me, new name/new pronouns. Which no one will see because I haven't been posting so the algorithm will now hide all my posts forevermore.)

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